Wednesday, January 29, 2020

Going Green To Save The Environment Essay Example for Free

Going Green To Save The Environment Essay The purpose of this essay is to enumerate and discuss several ways to save the environment through the principle of green living. Conservation is really an umbrella principle for all of green living. It really means using only what truly needs to be used in order to save something for coming generations (Green Living Ideas, 2007). Conserving energy by way of recycling is a crucial environmental benefit. As the natural energy sources become scarcer it is important to learn how to save energy. Making smaller, more fuel efficient cars can help conserve energy. Riding a bike instead of a car is much better since a bicycle doesn’t use gas. Making new houses that are well insulated also helps to save energy. According to Seventh Generation (2007), â€Å"Municipal Solid Waste (MSW), more commonly known as trash or garbage, consists of everyday items such as product packaging, grass clippings, furniture, clothing, bottles, food scraps, newspapers, appliances, paint, and batteries. This is commonly generated from peoples’ homes, but it also comes from commercial, institutional, and industrial sources. † One man’s trash is another man’s treasure is among the many adages being revived with fresh significance and recycling supports this idea. It has been in the American vocabulary for years now and in many households it is a way of life. Very simply, it finds new uses for old materials, mainly trash. According to the Environmental Protection Agency, recycling, including composting, diverted 72 million tons of material away from landfills and incinerators. Not only does this spare the environment, the EPA said a study found that recycling can create jobs as well. The consumer-oriented economical and environmental merits of reuse were easily recognized by our grandparents. And even today having a jar of salvaged nails, bolts, and screws can save several trips to the hardware store. Recycling paper products saves our trees and water resources as well! Making a ton of paper from materials that were recycled protects 17 trees from harm and consumes 50% less water, or 7,000 gallons (Quest4glory, 2004). But, while the philosophy of reuse is working its way into the business sector, the complexities of a global economy demand that the practical advantages and disadvantages of reuse be continually discussed and evaluated. However, industrialized nations are coming full-circle: governments are passing regulations, businesses are cutting costs, and consumers are reducing waste in the realization that applying the reuse philosophy in all areas will help to sustain our comfortable quality of life, enhance it for others, and maintain it for future generations. Furthermore, the most appealing reason to recycle is because of its ability to create a myriad of jobs, which can consequently improve the US economy. Recycling creates eight times the amount of jobs incinerator and landfill companies generate. Reuse, recycling, and waste reduction offer direct development opportunities for communities (Quest4glory, 2004). In conclusion, the benefits of recycling and conservation of energy cannot be overemphasized. Technology is making it easy to be green. Renewable energy can make your home more efficient. Efforts to clean up our air and water, preserve our non-renewable resources, and stop endangering plant and animal species, will ultimately lead to happier, healthier humankind living in partnership with the earth. Reference Green Living Ideas. (2007). Reuse. Retrieved on September 7, 2007 from http://greenlivingideas. com/reuse/reuse. html Quest4glory. (2004, July 5). Recycling: It’s time to clean up. Retrieved September 7, 2007 from http://www. echeat. com/essay. php? t=26204 Seventh Generation. (). Living Green: Reduce, reuse, recycle. Retrieved September 7, 2007 from http://www. seventhgeneration. com. /living_green/reduce_reuse_recycle. php

Tuesday, January 21, 2020

John Woo Essay -- Action Films Directors Movies Essays

John Woo The bread-and-butter of the film industry is the action movie. Each summer, audiences can expect to see car chases, gunfights and explosions, and studios can expect to see millions and millions of dollars in return. Though most viewers and critics see these movies as "fluff" entertainment (and rightfully so), there is one director that puts as much heart and soul into his "fluff" as any number of talented directors put into their "serious" movies. His name is John Woo. Even though you may not have heard about him, he is widely considered to be "the best contemporary director of action films working anywhere." John Woo, after many years of hard work, has become known as the world's best action film director. His action sequences have become the stuff of legend and are now the basis from which all other action movies are judged. More importantly, along with the bloodshed, Woo has proven that he can create real characters with real emotions that the audience can sympathize with. Perhaps that is his greatest talent, and perhaps that is why he will become known as one of the greatest directors in the years to come. John Woo’s style is definitely fast paced an exciting. Mostly throughout all of his movies his themes are good against evil. It is always the case of a standoff between the good guy and the bad guy, in their last battle, always to the death. Woo’s would often use montages to make time go faster, as in Face/Off when the swat team breaks into the hou...

Monday, January 13, 2020

Arthur Miller’s Treatment of Women in The Crucible Essay

Women play a crucial role in the conflict of Arthur Miller’s play, The Crucible. They are the entire foundation to the play. Arthur Miller’s treatment of women in this play shows women as weak beings who give into their husbands. The way women are treated in this play is a reflection of the Puritan beliefs of that time. Women were believed to have only the job of reproduction, and supporting the family with food. The first example that exhibits this is the way Elizabeth Proctor, John Proctor’s wife, is treated as a character. Another example would be how Abigail Williams is a character that is very unique and smart but then again gives into society and is forced to lie to get herself out of trouble. Many other women are known in this story for revealing Miller’s treatment of women. Although many of the women in The Crucible are respected throughout Salem, Massachusetts, none of them have any sort of authority or power over anyone or anything. Even though they are pure hearted and genuinely good people, like Elizabeth Proctor, Rebecca Nurse, and Martha Corey, they possess no right of authority. All of these women instinctively live to take care of their families and households. This reflects Miller’s treatment of women. In The Crucible, Elizabeth Proctor is a very good wife and mother to her 3 children. She is known in the town as one of the most honest people ever and is very respected by everyone, but, regardless of those things, women are seen by society as second-class citizens throughout the 50’s. No matter how respected or well-known they are, men always dominate and that is portrayed in the life of Elizabeth Proctor. John Proctor is a man who provides for his family; he is there for support and the kindness of a father. On the other hand, Elizabeth Proctor is a good mother and a good house wife but always put in her place by her husband and this just demonstrates how dominant the character is. The dominance portrayed in the life of Elizabeth Proctor is an example of what Miller is saying through his characters. The fact that in this time women don’t have as many rights as women do now, shows that Miller is drawn to literature puritanism of that time. In The Crucible, Elizabeth is convicted of witchcraft and I sentenced to prison. Luckily, she is found to be pregnant and therefore not sentenced to hang like most other women that were arrested. The fact that Elizabeth is given the â€Å"privilege† to live until her baby is born is just another sign of how Miller portrays the Puritanism into his writing. The Puritans of that time would never hang an innocent baby because they believe that babies are born amoral and have no sense of right and wrong. Therefore, this proves that Arthur Miller treated women in The Crucible just as other literature periods of that time by being influenced by Puritanism. Another example of a women who undergoes Millers characteristic categorization is Rebecca Nurse. She, along with Martha Corey, is viewed as one the most respected, faithful, godly women in the town but she is accused of witchcraft. The main reason why the most innocent women of Salem are accused is because the people that accused them were aware that they were not willing to confess to a crime they didn’t commit. Therefore, Miller shows Rebecca Nurse and Martha Corey as women who not only are respected by others in the town but also respect themselves that are accused of witchcraft and sentenced to death. Like mentioned before, women of this era had no right of power and the women that do have authority derive it from manipulation. An example of that is Abigail Williams. She is the main â€Å"possessor† of power in The Crucible. She is one the most important characters of this play. She has caused many other women of Salem to go to prison and later be hung because of â€Å"witchcraft.† Abigail is a character that is seen as very manipulative and sneaky around authority. She manipulates people into believing her story and she knows how to act differently around authority.

Sunday, January 5, 2020

Isabella Vigil . Mr.Short . College Composition . 19 March

Isabella Vigil Mr.Short College Composition 19 March 2017 A Spiritual Gain but a Financial Lose Meditation has always been seen as a way to keep the mind and soul healthy. Mediation dates back to 1500 BCE originating in Ancient India. The practice soon started to expand and adapt to other cultures around the world. Some of the earliest references to meditation are found in the Hindu scriptures and it was around the 6th to 5th centuries that other forms of meditation developed into Confucian, Taoist China, and Buddhist India (Taham). This spiritual and religious practice has been around for thousands of years, benefiting many people. However, in the year 2017 mediation no longer feels like a spiritual practice but rather like†¦show more content†¦Research suggests that meditation may physically change the brain and body and could potentially help to improve many health problems and promote healthy behaviors. In a 2012 study, researchers compared brain images from 50 adults who meditate and 50 adults who don’t meditate. Results suggested that people who practiced meditation for many years have more folds in the outer layer of the brain. This process (called gyrification) may increase the brain’s ability to process information (Meditation: In Depth). In many ways, the scientific studies showing how positive mediation has created this craze of mediation. Mediation can be linked to many exercise practices such as yoga. Meditation and yoga go hand in hand. Spending a few minutes of meditating then go into a hard body workout of yoga than ending the class with meditation. Many private yoga studies promote the practice of meditation and yoga increasing prices of their facility. Famous instructor Holly Rilinger is a perfect example. Rilinger has created this workout called â€Å"Calm and Cardio† starting with a five-minute guided meditation and then launches into cardio and strength training intervals using bodyweight and dumbbells. During each song, you alternate between two exercises while moving to the beat of the booming music (Held). She has combined meditation with exercises and is now using this technique of meditation to create an empire. Exercise meditation is not the only thing that is expanding. There are